In addition, [as a result of paying for one’s children’s Torah education, that person] merits a long life, [for both] him and [for] his children (see “Sifrei” [on] parshas “Eikev”, piskah 46), as it is written, “and you shall teach them to your children…” (Divarim: 11; 19), [this being] juxtaposed with, “in order that your days and the days of your children shall be lengthened…” (21)
Translation of the Chofetz Chaim's Sefer Shmiras HaLashon. This site is dedicated to the improvement of the speech of members of Bnei Yisrael. To help avoid all sorts of troubles, learn Shmiras HaLashon - "One who guards his mouth and his tongue guards from troubles of his soul." (Mishlei: 21; 23)
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Ya'akov Don ben Esther Ahuvah Sharona
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Shmiras HaLashon י"ד ניסן - Nissan 14 - One-Hundred-and-Ninety-Second Day
© 2008 by Robert Lepor. All rights reserved.
In reality, [the person’s] expenditures for his children’s Torah education, is not included in the [amount of money] that is designated for him [to earn] from [the judgement passed on] Rosh HaShanah, as our Sages of Blessed Memory have said [in maseches “Beitzah” (16b), as follows]: “All of the sustenance of the person is designated for him from [between] Rosh HaShanah until Yom Kippur, aside for his expenditures for Shabbos…, and expenditures on behalf of his children for [their] Torah study, for if he diminishes [the amount of money that he spends for his Shabbos needs and for his children’s Torah education], they dimish [that equivalent amount of money] from him. If, [on the contrary, the person] increases [the amount of money that he spends on his children’s Torah education or for Shabbos needs], they add [that equivalent amount of money onto the amount of money that] he [was designated to earn that year]. Please go [take note of] that which our Sages of Blessed Memory have said [in maseches “Kiddushin” (30a) concerning expenditures for the Torah education of one’s children]: “[Concerning] all of those who teach their grandson Torah, the pasuk considers it as if he [had] received [that Torah] at Har Sinai, as it says [in parshas “Va’Eschanan”], “And you shall inform [concerning] them to your children and your grandchildren” (Divarim: 4; 9), [which is] juxtaposed with: “The day that you stood before HaShem your G-d, at Choreiv (4; 10).
Moreover, as a result of the Torah study of the son, [the father] merits to be rescued from gehinnom, as is [taught] in “Tanna D’vei Eliyahu Zuta” [in] chapter 12, [as follows]: “[Concerning] the ignorant (ammei HaAretz) who treated [The Torah] with respect and taught their children Torah, [as a consequence, these] children rescue their fathers from that embarrassment and shame, and from that disgrace, as well as from the judgement of gehinnom.”
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