Please Learn in the Merit of:

Please learn for the merit of a complete recovery for the following individuals:

Ya'akov Don ben Esther Ahuvah Sharona
Avraham Yishayahu ben Aviva
Perel Leah bas Sima

Please learn in the merit/memory of Eyal ben Uriel, Gil-Ad Michael ben Ophir, Ya'akov Naftali ben Avraham, and Alter Aryeh Leib Reuven ben Sima

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Shmiras HaLashon י"א אדר - Adar 11 - One-Hundred-and-Sixtieth Day

© 2008 by Robert Lepor. All rights reserved.

[Concerning the power of Torah study, we learn in The “Zohar”] in ParshasPinchas” (volume 3, 213a), [as follows][1]: “All of those who involve themselves in Torah [study] merit that many gates will be opened for him in [The World to Come, and merits to benefit from] a number of lights. At the time when he departs this world, [The Torah] precedes him and goes to all of the guards of the gates, and announces and says: “Open up the gates and a righteous nation shall enter…”[2] (Yishayahu: 26; 2), prepare a seat for Ploni[3], servant of The Holy King. [The person who involves himself in Torah study in this world is treated with such great honor in The World to Come], for the happiness of The Holy One, Blessed is He, is only with regard to one who involves himself in Torah [study]. How much more so [is this the case that HaShem is happy with] one who arouses [himself] during the night to involve himself in Torah [study], for all of the righteous ones in Gan Eden listen attentively to [this person’s] voice, and The Holy One, Blessed is He, praises him.”

Through the Torah [that the person has learned, the person] also merits to [acquire] a holy soul, as was written in the introduction of The “Zohar” [on Parshas] “Bireishis” (volume 1; 12b), [as follows]: “[The] fifth commandment [of The Torah, states], “…‘The water shall swarm with swarms of living beings…’”[4] (Bireishis: 1; 20), within this [commandment] there are three commandments, the first one [being] to involve [oneself] in Torah [study] and to increase [in the extent of his involvement in Torah study] every day, [in order so that he will] rectify his nefesh and his ruach[5], for once a person involves himself in Torah [study], he is rectified with another holy soul… [However], once the person is not involved in Torah [study], he does not have the holy nefesh, and the holy nefesh that is Above, [in Heaven], does not rest upon him. Once the person involves himself in Torah [study], with that [very] movement [of his lips], he merits [to receive] that nefesh chayah and [merits] to become like the holy angels, [concerning whom] it is written [in “Tehillim”], “Bless HaShem, His angels…”[6] (Tehillim: 103; 20), [this refers to] those who are involved in Torah [study] who are referred to as “His angels” on the Earth…, [that being] here, in this world. [Furthermore], we have learned that in the future, in The World to Come, [that] The Holy One, Blessed is He, will make [wings like eagles for those [who are involved in Torah study, so that they can] fly over the entire world, as it is written, “And those who place hope in HaShem will have renewed strength, they will grow wings like eagles…”[7] (Yishayahu: 40; 31)]”

[1] The beginning of the teaching from The “Zohar” that wasn’t included in the text of seferShmiras HaLashon”, states as follows:

““And HaShem spoke to Moshe, saying, ‘Pinchas, the son of Elazar…’” (Bamidbar: 25; 10 – 11) Rabbi Elazar opened [his teaching] and said, ‘“My son, listen to the moral rebuke of your father, and do not abandon the teaching of your mother.’” (Mishlei: 1; 8) “My son, listen to the moral rebuke of your father…” – this is The Holy One, Blessed is He. “…And do not abandon the teaching of your mother” – this is The Jewish People. What is “the moral rebuke of your father”? This is The Torah which includes a number of rebukes, a number of punishments, as you would say, “My son, do not reject the moral rebuke of your father and do not detest His rebuke.” (Mishlei: 3; 11), and in order that everyone who involves himself in Torah [study]…”

[2] The pasuk states, “Open up the gates and a righteous nation shall enter, those who guard [their] belief [in HaShem].” (See RaDa”K)

[3] “Ploni” is a term often given when referring to a person when no name is given.

[4] This pasuk states, “And G-d said, ‘The water shall swarm with swarms of living beings, and birds shall fly upon the Earth, upon the firmament of The Heaven”. (Bireishis: 1; 20)

[5 The “nefesh” and “ruach” are different parts of the soul, the “ruach” is on a higher level than the “nefesh”.

[6] The entire pasuk reads, “Bless HaShem, His angels, [who] are strengthened with power, who perform His Will, to listen to The Voice of His Word.” (Tehillim: 103; 20)

The “Zohar” teaches us that the person who involves imself in Torah study is compared to HaShem’s angels. Metzudas David explains that the angels perform HaShem’s Will simply because HaShem spoke it, not in order to receive a reward. Those who study Torah for the sake of studying Torah are similar to the angels in that respect, as they learn The Torah that HaShem commands them to study simply because HaShem commands us to learn Torah. The Ibn Ezra explains that the angels are so powerful, as nothing else among the Creation can stand up against them. Similarly, we can see that those who learn Torah are compared to these angels, perhaps as they make themselves so spiritually powerful as a result of their Torah study. The RaDa”K explains that the angels are on a high level, above all of Creation. We can see from The “Zohar”, that those who study The Torah similarly attain a high spiritual level due to their study of The Torah. The MaLBI”M explains that these angels stand prepared to take actions that affect nature, at HaShem’s request. Perhaps we can see from here that those who study The Torah, especially if it is for the sake of Torah study, can similarlay effect changes in nature for the positive.

[7] The entire pasuk states, “And those who place hope in HaShem will have renewed strength, they will grow wings like eagles, they will run and they will not be wearied, they will walk and will not be tired.” (Yishayahu: 40; 31)

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