Please Learn in the Merit of:

Please learn for the merit of a complete recovery for the following individuals:

Ya'akov Don ben Esther Ahuvah Sharona
Avraham Yishayahu ben Aviva
Perel Leah bas Sima

Please learn in the merit/memory of Eyal ben Uriel, Gil-Ad Michael ben Ophir, Ya'akov Naftali ben Avraham, and Alter Aryeh Leib Reuven ben Sima

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Shmiras HaLashon ג ניסן - Nissan 3 - One-Hundred-and-Eighty-First Day

© 2008 by Robert Lepor. All rights reserved.

(During a Jewish leap-year: 17 Adar II - בִּשְׁנַת הָעִיבּוּר - י"ז אדר בּ)

[Concerning the person who supports those who are involved in the study of The Torah], in addition [to the previously mentioned rewards], he also consequently merits to have progeny [descend] from him who are good and holy, as is [taught] in The Holy “Zohar” [on] Parshas Mitzora” (volume 3, 53b), [as follows]: ““It is a Tree of Life for those who grasp onto it, and those who support it are praiseworthy.” (Mishlei: 3; 18)… Who are those [people] who support [The Torah]? [The “supporters” of The Torah] refer to those who give [of their] inventory into the wallets of Torah scholars ([they] give merchandise to Torah scholars, [in order so that they can] profit through [it])…, [these being] the ones who support The Torah from the beginning to the end of the body, and all of the belief [in HaShem and The Torah] is dependent on this, and is supported [by this. As a consequence of his support of Torah study, the person also] merits [to have] children who will be fitting to become true prophets.”[1]

[Chofetz Chaim’s note: In reality, just as we have [learned] that The Holy One, Blessed is He, sanctified The tribe of Levi, and warns [The People] of Israel to not abandon the Levite, as it is written [in ParshasR’eih”, as follows]: “Guard yourselves, lest you abandon the Levite, all of your days upon your Land.” (Divarim: 12; 19) The Will of HaShem Yisbarach, is also similar to [the aforementioned, in] that we should support the people who separate themselves from worldly matters in order to serve HaShem [and involve themselves in Torah study], for, at the very least, [such a person] is not inferior to the Levite concerning this matter [of dedicating himself to the Service of HaShem], for such does the RaMBa”M write in “The Laws of Sh’mitah and Yovel” (chapter 13, halachos 12 – 13), [as follows]: “Why did [the Tribe of] Levi not merit [to receive] a portion in The Land of Israel and of its spoils along with his brothers? [The Tribe of Levi did not receive the aforementioned], for they were set aside to worship HaShem, to serve Him, and to teach [of] His upright ways and righteous ordinances to the masses, as it says [in ParshasV’Zos HaBrachah” concerning the Tribe of Levi], “They shall teach Your ordinances to Ya’akov, and [shall teach] Your Law to Israel…”[2] (Divarim: 33; 10) Therefore, [as the Tribe of Levi was designated to teach Torah to The People of Israel], they were separated from the ways of the world, [such that] they do not array [themselves for] war as do the rest of [The People of Israel], they do not receive a portion [in The Land of Israel], and they do not bring merit to themselves with their physical power, rather, they are The Army of HaShem, as it says [in ParshasV’Zos HaBrachah”], “HaShem Blesses His Army…”[3] (Divarim: 33; 11), and He, Blessed is He, brings merit to them, as it says [in ParshasKorach”], “…I am your portion and your inheritance…”[4] (Bamidbar: 18; 20) [The aforementioned does] not only [apply] to the Tribe of Levi, rather, every single man in the world “who’s heart inspires him”[5] (Shmos: 25; 2), and he understands of his own knowledge, to [take it upon himself] to set himself aside, to stand before HaShem to serve Him, [in order] to know HaShem, and he has walked uprightly just as G-d had made him, and has removed the yoke of his many dealings which people sought out from him, from upon his neck. Behold, [such a person] has become sanctified [as is] The Holy of Holies, and HaShem will be his portion and his inheritance forever and for all time, and [HaShem] will reward him in this world with that which is sufficient for him, similar to [the manner in which] He rewarded the Kohanim [and] the Levites. Behold, King David, Alav HaShalom, says [in “Tehillim”], “HaShem is the portion of my share and is my cup, You support my lot.”[6] (Tehillim: 16; 5)” [This concludes the RaMBaM’s] pleasant teaching [from the “Mishneh Torah”.]

[1] The entire text from this section of the “Zohar”, states as follows:

“Rabbi Yehuda opened [his teaching] with words of Torah, and said, ‘“It is a Tree of Life for those who grasp onto it, and those who support it are praiseworthy.” “עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בה ותומכיה מאושר” (Mishlei: 3; 18) This “Tree of Life” is The Torah, which is the supreme tree which is great and powerful. “Torah”, why is it called “Torah”? [The “Torah” is referred to as “Torah” – “תורה”] because it teaches – אורי (“דאורי” is related to the Aramaic word for Torah – “דאורייתא”) and reveals that which was hidden which was not known. [The Torah is referred to as a “Tree of] Life” – “חיים”, for all of the supernal life is included in it and emanates from it. “For those who grasp onto it” – “למחזיקים בה” – [This refers to] those who grasp onto it, for one who grasps onto The Torah, grasps onto everything, he grasps onto that which is supernal and that which is below, [in this world]. “And those who support it are praiseworthy” – “ותומכיה מאושר”: Who are those [people] who support [The Torah]? [The “supporters” of The Torah] refer to those who give [of their] inventory into the wallets of Torah scholars in order to raise them up ([they] give merchandise to Torah scholars, [in order so that they can] profit through [it]). “And those who support [The Torah]” – “ותומכיה” – merit to have trustworthy prophets descend from him. “Praiseworthy” – “מאושר” – do not read [the word] as “מאושר” (“praiseworthy”), rather [read it as] “מראשו” – “from his head” these [refer to those people] who support The Torah from it’s beginning (i.e. it’s head) until it’s end, “from it’s beginning”, this being the beginning of everything which is called “the head” – “ראש”, as it is written [in “Mishlei”], “I have always ruled from the beginning – “מראש”…”. (8; 23) And “the beginning (i.e. “the head”) refers to the wisdom which is the head for the entire body, and it spreads out in the body until the conclusion of the six sides. “And those who support it” – “ותמכיה”, as you would say, “His Thighs are marble pillars…” (Shir HaShirim: 5; 15), for [these are] the ones who place an investment into the wallets of the Torah scholars, [these being] the ones who support The Torah from the beginning to the end of the body, and all of the belief [in HaShem and The Torah] is dependent on this, and is supported [by this. As a consequence of his support of Torah study, the person also] merits [to have] children who will be fitting to become true prophets.”

[2] This pasuk is found in the section of The Torah that discusses the b’rachos given to the tribe of Levi. The pasuk reads, “He shall teach Your judgments to Ya’akov and Your Torah to [The People of] Israel, he shall place fragrance before You, and completely consumed sacrifice upon Your altar”.

[3] This pasuk, in reference to the tribe of Levi, states, “HaShem has blessed His army, and He shall desire the work of his hands, he shall smite the loins of those who rise up against him, and who from his enemies shall rise up?”

[4] The entire pasuk reads, “And HaShem said to Aharon, ‘In their land they shall not inherit, and you shall not have a portion in their midst, I am your portion and your inheritance in the midst of The B’nei Yisrael”.

[5] This phrase is based on the pasuk from parshasT’rumah”, which states, “Speak to The B’nei Yisrael, and you shall take t’rumah for Me, from every man who’s heart desires [to donate], you shall take My t’rumah”.

[6] In the conclusion of this halacha, the RaMBa”M quotes this pasuk from seferTehillim” in the context of the tribe of Levi having HaShem as their portion.

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