Please Learn in the Merit of:

Please learn for the merit of a complete recovery for the following individuals:

Ya'akov Don ben Esther Ahuvah Sharona
Avraham Yishayahu ben Aviva
Perel Leah bas Sima

Please learn in the merit/memory of Eyal ben Uriel, Gil-Ad Michael ben Ophir, Ya'akov Naftali ben Avraham, and Alter Aryeh Leib Reuven ben Sima

Friday, January 25, 2008

Shmiras HaLashon ג אדר - Adar 3 - One-Hundred-and-Fifty-Second Day

© 2008 by Robert Lepor. All rights reserved.

[In addition to the fact that The Torah is the life of the person], the world only continues to exist for the sake of The Torah, as it says [in seferYirmiyahu”], “…If not for My covenant [of] day and night, I would not have put the laws of Heaven and Earth [into effect].”[1] (Yirmiyahu: 33; 25) The Holy Zohar states as follows [on] ParshasBireishis”, [in volume 1], 47a: “All of those who involve [themselves] in Torah [study] on a daily basis, will merit to gain a portion in The World to Come, and it will be considered as if he had built worlds, for through the medium of The Torah, the world was built and had its foundation laid, as is written [in seferMishlei”], “HaShem has laid the foundation of The Earth with wisdom…”[2] (Mishlei: 3; 19)…[3], [it being the case that] all those who are involved in [Torah study] have laid the foundation of worlds and maintain their existence. Come and [take note that] The Holy One, Blessed is He, made the world with breath and with [that] breath [the world] continues to exist[4]. This breath [that sustains the existence of The Earth is the breath] of those who toil in Torah [study]…[5]” [The Zohar also states on] ParshasTzav”, [volume 3], 35a, [as follows]: “Rabbi Elazar began [his teaching by] stating: ‘“And I shall place My words in your mouth and I have covered you in the shadow of My Hand…”[6] (Yishayahu: 51; 16) We have learned [as follows]: “[Concerning] all of those people who are involved in [studying The] Words of [The] Torah, and [their] lips move [when involved] in [their] Torah [study], The Holy One, Blessed is He, covers over [such a person] and His Divine Presence spreads it’s Wings out over him…[7] Not only [is the above true], but [this person who is involved in Torah study is responsible for maintaining the] existence of worlds and The Holy One, Blessed is He, is happy with him as [He would be] had The Heaven and The Earth been planted on that day, as it is written, […to plant The Heaven and to lay the foundation of The Earth and to say to Tzion, ‘You are My Nation’.]” (Yishayahu: 51; 16)”

[1] The entire pasuk states, “So said HaShem, ‘If not for My Covenant [of] day and night, I would not have put the laws of Heaven and Earth [into effect].” (Yirmiyahu: 33; 25)

[2] This pasuk states, “HaShem has [laid the] foundation of The Earth with wisdom, He has established the Heaven with understanding.” (Mishlei: 3; 19)

RaSh”I explains that HaShem laid the foundations of The Earth through use of The Torah, which is wisdom, and has established the Heaven with understanding, which also refers to The Torah. Metzudas David points out that it was the wisdom of The Torah that was used in laying the foundation of The Earth and it was the understanding of The Torah which HaShem used to establish The Heaven.

[3] This part of the teaching from The
Zohar that the Chofetz Chaim doesn’t quote, brings another pasuk from seferMishlei”, which states, “And I shall be for him as a wet-nurse, and I shall take delight [in it] every day, rejoicing before him every day.” (Mishlei: 8; 30) (Translation based on Metzudas David)

[4] This teaching from The “Zohar” also relates to the pasuk from seferTehillim”, which states, “With The Word of HaShem, The Heaven was made, and with The Breath of His Mouth, all of His Legions.” (Tehillim: 33; 6) The Word of HaShem and “The Breath of His Mouth” both refer to The Torah, as we learned in The “Zohar”.

[5] This section of The “Zohar” continues by noting “and all the more so [is this true] of the breath of the children [who learn Torah] in the house of their rabbi.” From here we see that the Torah study of children which is more pure than The Torah studied by adults, as children as considered to be free of sin. Therefore, as adults have the power to create worlds and maintain their existence through their involvement in Torah study, this is all the more-so true of The Torah studied by children.

[6] The entire pasuk states, “And I shall place My Words in your mouth, and I shall cover you in The Shadow of My Hand, to plant The Heaven and to lay the foundation of The Earth, and to say to Tzion, ‘You are My Nation’.” (Yishayahu: 51; 16)

[7] The Chofetz Chaim didn’t quote the pasuk from The “Zohar”, which is reiterated to demonstrate that “And I shall place My Words in your mouth, and I shall cover you in The Shadow of My Hand…” (Yishayahu: 51; 16) is the source which shows that one who involves himself in Torah study has HaShem’s Shechinah cover over him.

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